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Traditional Art
A collection of drawings using traditonal tools (Pencil, Charcoal, Pastels, Colored Pencil, Pen & Ink)

The Key to Jannah
Title: The key to Jannah is prayer Medium: Faber Castell Artist Pitt Pens

"Be like the flower that gives its fragrance to the hand that crushes it." -Imam Ali Medium: 2B Pencil

Ila bithikr ilah tathma in alqaloob
Title: Truly in the rememberence of Allah do hearts find rest Medium: Pencil, charcoal, colored pencil

Henna Design
Title: Henna Design Medium: Ink Pens

Spiritual Growth
Title: Spiritual Growth Medium: Charcoal, Pastels

Title: Missing Medium: Pencil, charcoal

Henna Design 3
Title: Henna Design 3 Medium: Ink Pens

Title: Dressed Medium: Pencil

Title: Ruffled Medium: Pencil

Tick Tock Thoughts
Title: Tick Tock Thoughts Medium: Pencil

Title: Regrets Medium: Charcoal, Pastels

Henna Design 2
Title: Henna Design 2 Medium: Gold ink Pen
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